Bonjour à tous!
I've changed my header again. (: i am loving it!
Due to some reason, i spent quite a long time to complete it. huuhu.
the day before yesterday and last night, i challenged the disgusting listerine! *applause*
i will never try it again unless the ulcer hit my ass again -.-
i thought it'll be nothing when it entered my mouth, after one second, ohmygosh..
it was like thousand or more than that of needles poking my mouth.
seriously damn pain and i can't stand it. =_=' i vomited it within 10 seconds.
actually i should rinse my mouth around 30 seconds.
this blog will be on hiatus again until the exam is over );
all the best to chsians.
Birthday shoutout to the TWINS of CUTIES, QIHONG & QIYAN!
wish you guys have a sweet sweet sixteen without us =/
Happy Birthday! (: *loves*
Tag replies:
KahYan - most probably there will be a gathering at weng kai's house. so if i am going, see you there :D
Kellye - of course can (: i am online now. actually at night you can sms me, cos nowadays i sleep at 2 smtg :O too bad you are 016.. can't message me. cheer up *loves*
Ms.Koh - whoaahahaa. don't need to be paiseh. it'll be one of the unforgettable memory in your life. ehehe, i did it!! now the ulcer is recovering :}
HuoyWenn - because you never try before? ): i am sure you don't want to try it when you smell it.
Reminder : - click the advertisements a few times as you can! *heehee* thank you! (:
the memories with you are the stories of me ♥
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