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Monday, September 21, 2009

303th post

Though my soul may set in darkness,
It will rise in perfect light,
I have loved the stars too fondly
to be fearful of the night ;

hello my buddies!

last 2 nights i slept at 3smtg :O
but not as pro as somebody. can sleep at 4ish.
some of you might realize the picture on my left is my display picture right. it's taken my mua! heh. i love it very much. it's meaningful to me. *spot on the blue stars!*
yesterday night i was confused don't know choose which bag. haha, dumb me. does peach suits me? huoy wenn, yee hliang & qi hong asked me to choose peach without looking the picture. woaahh. since they suggested me to choose peach, in the end i chose peach.. heheee (: thank you huoy wenn for the website! i have been craving for a bag very very long. :O

well, this morning when i was brushing my teeth, my tooth brush accidentally poked my ulcer. *ouch* damn wtf you know, so pain. i almost cried for it. and how stupid was,I POKED IT TWICE. =______=' dumb me. it was bleeding. gaah. so i want to use the Listerine to rinse my mouth so can kill the germs :O mana tau.... the coward ka yean didn't dare to do so. i poured 20ml of Listerine into a cup. guess what is going on? okay, listen. i stood inside the toilet for more than 15minutes, take the cup wanna pour the liquid into my mouth, but then i put it down again. i hate the smell.. *vomit* in the end i poured it back into the bottle. i know imma loser -.- sorry lohhh. cannot meehh. hmph. in the 15 minutes, i was sms with some peeps! lols. i won't so stupid stand there doing nothing just look at the cup of LIQUID. (smelly/disgusting one) tonight i am gonna challege it again. please give me some encourages! later i have to cook my dinner myself. due to some reasons. hmphh =_='

P/S: did anyone realize yesterday was 20092009? (:

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