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Sunday, October 11, 2009

unique creatures!

last night i chit-chatted with two very kawaii cutiies (: they are penguin aka yeehliang & chicken breast aka qihong! while chit-chatting, i was boring so i started to draw some combination of animals. i told them about penkey! hehehe :D the brilliant idea from superman and i. i asked them to imagine how it looks like! let pictures do the talking.

penkey - yh
penkey - qh
round round penguin - yh

we were talking about a combination of rabbit and bear, but yh drew this ^ out.
it's still a rabbit la :p

rabbit-bear - qh
*looks like alien right. hah*

rabbit-bear - me
*O.o eyes*
cow-pig - yh

pig-bear - yh

mr penguin - yh
asking someone not to cry, ahhaaa.

duck-dog - qh

we are so kawaii right! (:


stay tune for coming up one day trip post.

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