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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

exam is going to end soon. :D

hooraayy. when the exam is over, holiday will come soon. (:
tell you guys something!
i am going to china during december.
if no wrong is from 6th Dec to 14th Dec. 9days! :O
i am going Yunnan. hopefully i will have fun there with my sister and momma..
of course, i will start convince my mom buy me my desire - EOS 500D. :p
this saturday, 10th october i am going somewhere.. one day trip to dunno where. cos my mom registered without telling me where we are going =___='
yesterday my parents both weren't home. dad went china again on monday. momma went penang with my aunt. today she will be back. hoho.
tomorrow there will be an extra class for chemistry ): needa go back school. sigh sigh. so tonight have to sleep earlier. cos last night i slept at 1smtg and today woke up at 12 :D *syok*

currently doing research!

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