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Friday, July 31, 2009

random photos.

i've promised you guys to post some photos. sorry for the very late update. lol.

my meowss :}

adorable kan!

so soft (:
i miss her..

the naughty one. you can spot a gecko aka lizard next to him.
she looks like smiling right! :D she is a mama soon.

i like his bling bling eyes..



my mom's friend's kitten ;
this kitten called bao bao :D she ate 6 small rat -.- then lied there for 3 days.


here comes my girl girl! she had a hair band. :P

poser :)

her toy! so dirty.

closer look of the "hair band". HAHA.


last saturday went facial with my siblings & momma. (: while waiting for her, i read my story book!

Beach Blondes (:

she was flipping through it only.

the shadows.. love it. :}

memang random one :

petals of carnation *lol*

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