i want to add on something.
although hope brings new life, give you a target in your life, but don't put so high expectation.
in the end usually you will get hurt.
today was ze report card day. school was crowded with people.
• teacher caught me talking with huoy wenn during lesson. :O i felt so dead of it. i keep worrying he gonna tell my parent about that. ishh =x
• after recess, i phoned my mom, she was lost. lol! luckily she reached the school around 12.30pm.
• she was keep complaining to me why is mr. sin so slow?.. lol! we left the school at 1ish.
• had lunch with parents and my brother after that. (:
well, daddy's birthday is on this friday.. which is maybe also the day of lm agm.
i am worrying he will angry me for going home late on that day weih. ); hope i can go home earlier ba.
sigh, now i seriously don't feel like time pass so fast. i want to hold on this moment.. i don't want to see the frustrated face on anyone of us. & i don't wanna lose the friendship between us. ♥
don't disappoint me & please help LM to get away from the "traditional".
tags reply! :
anysia - do edi loh :) heh, thank you lo. but it's like so hard. lol.
narongrit - heeeehe, hope you will get your err herrr one day soon. x) i didnt say anything ah!
eng sin - if you see him next time at dad's friend's house, take photo ya :D bleh. thank you egg egg!
maverick - thank you. same to you (:
kellye - what is the something about? i was staring at you, you didn't saw me, so i call you lo. ha.
dolly - thank you! :]
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